A tale about a ladybird hitchhiker at a garden wedding, who falls in love with the bride...
A short piece originally titled 'Not Belonging', this story explores the concept of exclusion in a society where people are judged on how they look, what they say and the habits they have that are perceived as weird.
A short story, born from a writers' prompt:
'There is a prison where there are no guards, yet the prisoners are too afraid to try and escape.' Georgia is born with an imagination so strong it leaks into reality. She doesn't realise the things that are occurring aren't true reality... until she wakes up from a nightmare.
Good fiction's job is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." CategoriesArchives
July 2019
I wish as well as everybody else to be perfectly happy; but, like everybody else, it must be in my own way." - Jane Austen |